Why Do Most Guys Lie About Local Milf Sex Action?

You’ve been to a guy’s locker room, right? You’ve heard locker talk? Guys talk about pussy all the time. In fact, if you go to any golf course and, regardless of how dignified, sophisticated and otherwise rich guys may seem on the outside, once they are together, all the talk boils down to two things: money and pussy.

Now, we can all agree about money. The more the merrier, so there’s no argument there. Now, when it comes to pussy, there’s a lot of bullshit. Seriously. For every bright light, there’s tons of smoke and, in most cases, it’s the smoke created by burning feces or shit.

Guys talk a big game regarding having sex with all sorts of milfs they met with the help of meetmilfs.org. While sex with younger women is a given and isn’t really talked about all that much, sex with local milfs gets a lot of play. Make no mistake about it, a lot of guys, regardless of their age, class level, income level, net worth, knows about local milf sex. In fact, they can’t get enough of it because if you banged a woman who’s had a kid and who’s over 30, it’s a different experience because she knows what to do with her body.

She knows how to rock her body. There’s no fumbling, there’s no awkward groping around like you would with a college aged woman. There’s no comparison. The reason why she knows how to move in the bed, it’s because she can achieve back to back orgasms.

We’re talking about real orgasms. We’re not talking about bullshit fake, When Harry Met Sally simulated orgasms. We’re not talking about that bullshit orgasm you had in college where the chick would say, "Did I come? Did I come?" Well, shut the fuck up. Either you did or you didn’t.

We’re talking real orgasms. There’s less bullshit there, and that’s why guys lie about having sex with local milfs all the time. You just have to bear with it. That’s just the way it is. They lie because they think that they have to make the woman cum because it impacts their self-esteem and ego.